Alcalá La Real owes its royal title to the important role the city fulfilled for Spain during the middle ages. The people of Alcalá were a big help in the recapturing of the southern regions from the muslims by the Catholic kings (reyes católicos). You can still witness the great past in the marvelous Castillo de la Mota. It dominates the city and you can already admire it from a long distance.

You’ll receive an audiophone at the beginning of your visit. The khalif tells the story of the ancient village and takes you back to everyday life. What were their metrics, what money did they use, who lived there, who visited them and what happened when the enemy came ? These are among the many questions that are being answered. On top of that several items are illustrated with videos.

The absolute highlight is the cathedral. You’ve never seen this in your lifetime. We’ll keep it as a surprise for you to discover at only a 20 minutes drive from Casa La Nuez …